Vein Treatments
At Sutton Place laser Vein Care we offer the following vein treatments and services:
Our Vein Center in NYC offers an array of state-of-the-art, in-office vein treatments using up-to-the-moment equipment, expertise, & technology.
Please see this informative website for descriptions of various vein treatments as well as listing of Dr. Mueller as a Diplomate Vein Specialist: First of all, our state of the art vein treatment equipment and office:
Ultrasound rooms for diagnostic vein ultrasounds as well as for vein treatments (ultrasound machine with DVD recording output, laser on lower right, large 32 & 40 inch LCD TV monitors for superior imaging during procedures). The treatment table is a high end motorized ’tilt table’ that allows for optimal patient patient positioning. There is a 32 inch LCD TV to monitor ultrasound vein images in high resolution during the procedure, and a 22 inch LCD TV with DVD player for patient relaxation during vein treatments. Also available is musical relaxation (wall mounted soundbar with Bluetooth iTunes / Internet radio.
Our Laser systems, by the innovators of endovenous laser (AngioDynamics®, Latham, NY) We use their newest laser, a state of the art 1470 nm wavelength device: Venacure 1470®. This improved laser has brought our patients minimal to no pain & bruising post procedure. We are one of the few centers offering the latest ‘Radial’ laser fibers, which projects laser light energy in a 360 degree pattern from the side of the fiber tip (rather than out the end) – this is thought to further enhance patient comfort.
Our local anesthetic pump, by the innovator of local anesthesia for vein ablation HK Surgical®, San Clemente, CA.
ClariVein® catheter / motor drive unit (by Vascular Insights LLC®, Madison, CT), an innovative new vein ablation technique that employs MechanOChemical Ablation (MOCA®), combining mechanical abrasion of the vein wall lining by a rotating wire + infusion of sclerosant chemical into the vein. Our advanced Syris Scientific, LLC v600 Visualization System® (Gray, ME), which employs cross polarizing optical filters, magnification, & powerful illumination, used with Sclerotherapy & Transdermal / External Laser procedures.Side Effects/Complications:
No treatment in medicine is free of side effects or complications. The same is true for all vein treatments, though they are considered safe and effective by insurance companies, the FDA, and the medical community. Please see our consent forms & HIPAA privacy notice for the various procedures; side effects include but are not limited to those listed on our forms