
How To Reduce The Impact Of Varicose Veins

How To Reduce The Impact Of Varicose VeinsFor many Long Island residents, varicose veins can become embarrassing blemishes that can greatly impact self image, but can also generate constraints regarding lifestyle. At Sutton Place Laser Vein Care, we often find that many of our clients have been refraining from enjoyable and healthy activities such as tennis, swimming, or even just working out at the gym. When varicose veins have this much of an impact on quality of life, then it is time for people to address the issue and find viable solutions that will improve lifestyle.


Varicose Veins And What To Do About Them

The technology for reducing varicose veins and spider veins has greatly advanced over the past decade, and this gives individuals who do suffer from varicose veins a number of options for treatment.

  • Sclerotherapy – this is an injection based outpatient treatment that uses chemicals to tighten the walls of the blood vessels.
  • EVLA – the term stands for Endovenous Laser Ablation, and is a minimally invasive surgery where a flexible laser is inserted into the vein in order to cauterize any bleeding and to tighten the girth of the vessels.
  • Ambulatory Phlebectomy – this is also a minimally invasive surgery which uses a small incision to remove damaged parts of the vein in order to reduce the appearance of the varicosities.

Other techniques and diagnostics can also be appropriate for many patients, although treatment will always consider the full extent of the individual condition as well as any underlying health conditions that could also factor into treatment approaches. This practice can further inspire hope and confidence in many patients, since it reinforces the ability to take control over one’s life and make active decisions for betterment.

While many techniques for reducing the appearance of varicose veins can apply to a range of patients, different treatments can also be more applicable to the manner in which the veins present. This makes the consultation appointment another integral part of the process for reducing the impact of varicose veins.

Taking a step in the right direction can be as simple as calling Sutton Place Laser Vein Care for an appointment. Initial consultations can pave the way to relief, and the reduction of the appearance of varicose veins can result in impressive improvements of quality of life and of self appreciation from patients.

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